Holy Monday- Picking Figs and Cleansing Temples – from Paradox
Holy Monday- Picking Figs and Cleansing Temples – from Paradox

Holy Monday- Picking Figs and Cleansing Temples – from Paradox

PAX:Goose, Yankee Joe

YHC wanted to crank the intensity diving into Holy Week so when 3 Pax gathered at the stage a disclaimer was given that we would be following Holy Mondays scriptures and YHC would read these Gospel excerpts during a deep squat hold. (Deep Squat Disclaimers TM)

Once a traditional Goose warmup – (SSH, IW, AC, WM, buttkicks, high knees) with bumper mosey was complete, we got started.

Authority of Jesus Questioned (Mathew 21: 23-27)
Numerous times in the Gospel the Pharisees approach Jesus and attempt to paint him into a corner and he ties their brain into a pretzel.

Played the Switchfoot classic “Dare you to Move” and completed step ups at the pavilion during whole song with burpees on – “dare you to move”

We grabbed Ole Hickory (heavy bar) and gave Yankee Joe the full history of Ole Hickory dating back to the Civil War. Took OH for a deep mosey and stopped at first light of Rich Mans loop for our second reading.
Jesus Curses the Fig Tree ( Mathew 21: 18-22 )

One man took ole hickory for a one lightpole journey with hickory in shoulder position and lunges for the entirety. Remaining pax went ahead to next light and started Fig Pickers (cherry pickers with squats). Reflections were made on how far the goal of the next light looked when starting with this burden but in contrast how close the approaching man looked on the other side.
Two rounds of this and we returned to the flag.

Jesus Cleanses the temple(Mathew 21:12-17)

Table Flippers- 1 man takes ole hickory and completes 5 Hickory Squats then on the 5th tosses it as far as he can. Remaining pax complete a mix of big boy situps, LBCs, wife pleasers and penguins.

Prayers for the beginning of Holy Week and that God will help us put or own temples in His order.

COT and Yankee Joe prayed us out.

**Due to his effort and several recent posts, Yankee Joe graduated from YHC calling him “Cactus Jack” today. A momentous occasion.

Awesome effort on those Hickory Lunges fellas. Thanks for the opportunity to lead.
