You got to roll me, and call me… – from Russo
You got to roll me, and call me… – from Russo

You got to roll me, and call me… – from Russo

PAX:Cowbell, Hammer, JV, Steve, Russo

71 degrees, balmy, breezy greeted a pax of 5 this morning at Granny’s, but despite the warnings and threat, no rain!

Warmup (10-20x all IC)
– Seal jacks
– High knees
– Self love
– Arm circles
– Toe touches
– Good mornings


Super simple this week, a block by block mosey around old Mandeville, stopping to confuse the cars that passed as to why 5 HIM were rolling dice in the middle of the street.

10 reps of each exercise based on the number of the roll. A double roll? Double the reps to 20 (Rummel math!)

Roll of 2 – Burpees
3 – Monkey Humpers
4 – Leg raises
5 – Shoulder tap merkins
6 – Big boy sit-ups
7 – Hallelujah squats
8 – 8 count body builders
9 – SMCs
10 – Groiners
11 – Peter Parker merkins
12 – Calf raises

Back at Granny’s, we utilized the benches for 10 quick Freak Nastys IC and 10 step ups.

COT, Name-o-Rama, Announcements, and Prayer closed us out.

Things we learned:

– Convergence / Manniversary is THIS Saturday on the lakefront. In my best “announcer for monster truck shows / pro wrestling cards” voice: BE THERE!!!!

– The SLU / Ole Miss baseball game will continue to live on in infamy. YHC believes this is the 4th straight week we’ve worked it into mumblechatter.

– I get how odds work. There are 6 ways to roll a 7 with two dice, and only one to roll Snake eyes or Box cars. But this PAX really, really loved rolling 7s. Don’t take us to a craps table. Hallelujah squats for all!

Thanks, gents, for joining me and giving me an opportunity to lead such a fine group. Great work as always.
