Tabata Take 2 – from Hokie
Tabata Take 2 – from Hokie

Tabata Take 2 – from Hokie


YHC lead Renaissance this past weekend with a Tabata Style workout and was disappointed.

Back to the drawing board and made a few revisions and am much more pleased. I will make a few more tweaks.

5 of us gathered and discussed the potential storm and then got busy…

Tabata #1 – Legs

2 rounds, work for :45, rest for :15

– Squat jumps aka Bobby Hurley’s


– Low slow Squats

– Box Jumps or Step Ups

– Lunges

– SEAL MERKINS for Short Bus

– Burpees for T-Square

Tabata #2 – Shoulders

2 rounds, work for :45, rest for :15

– Dips

– Incline Merkins

– Decline Merkins

– T Merkins

– Shoulder Taps

– SEAL MERKINS for Short Bus

– Burpees for T-Square

Tabata #3 – Abs/Core

2 rounds, work for :45, rest for :15


– Flutter Kicks

– Freddy Mercury

– Box Cutters

– Big Boy Sit Ups

– SEAL MERKINS for Short Bus

– Burpees for T-Square

This is the West Bank so we closed with some lazy boys