Recycling: Good for the Earth, Good for the Soul – from Steve
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Recycling: Good for the Earth, Good for the Soul – from Steve

PAX:Cowbell, Junior Varsity, Murdoch, Russo, Steve

Rolled up a little early to secretly unload a few cinderblocks this morning, only to find Russo and and Murdoch already on the lookout. This was my first time meeting Murdoch, and YHC assumed he was visiting from another region because a) he looked fairly fit and, b) he was already wearing an F3 shirt. But no! Akbar named Murdoch last Wednesday and, with talk of four posts this week, it’s pretty clear he’s all in! Great, we need some new faces at Granny’s. But hey hey hey – let’s not pass along a shovel flag just yet guys.

Little bit of catching up about the Nehemiah Project’s 4x4x48, about the SLU / Ole Miss game, and about JV doling out life lessons to ignorant teenagers who hit a car and run. Hey, they can’t all be as upstanding as Grover.

Warmorama: Torso twists, SSH’s, IW’s, windmills, arm circles, seal jacks, cherry pickers, maybe some other stuff.

Mosey to the stage for the main event.

Now YHC will admit, recycling old beatdowns has become something of a pattern lately. And by ‘old,’ I mean, last week’s beatdown, maybe one from the week before. It’s not that I’m lazy, or that the beatdown was even that good, it’s… it’s just that… well, ok, yes, YHC is just lazy. And maybe a bit unimaginative. Mostly lazy though. Anyhow, what we did: a rotating circuit with one guy doing 20x burpees as a timer (JV loved this the first time, so you can imagine his delight in repeating it this morning), while the other pax were performing:

– Curls
– Squat thrusters
– Chest presses
– Lunges

Because we didn’t have as many guys this time, once we had all completed the above, we set a one minute timer and knocked out big boys and plank jacks, which were part of the original circuit.

Then a short mosey around the trailhead before returning to… that’s right, rinse and repeat. Somewhere in there, Russo and JV checked the wall of the stage for the scrawled out wisdom of teenagers. A sort of bathroom stall version of Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus-kinda thing that can’t be repeated here provided some good laughs (though god help any small kids who stumble upon this – maybe we’ll have to paint over

After the second run, we kept the burpees (though we downsized to 15x this time) and threw everything else out in favor of:

– Alpos
– Rows
– Goblet squats
– Monkey humpers

JV suspected there was some leftover animosity from the Ole Miss game in the way Cowbell kept shouting out: C’mon JV!! No time for the additional exercises this time, stashed away the blocks and circle up for some Mary: leg raises, Rosalita’s, and crunchy frogs to close it out.

COT, announcements (April 9th, Northshore’s SIXTH anniversary convergence – be there!), and JV prayed us out. Thank you men for the opportunity to get stronger along side you, and the chance to lead. I appreciate it brothers.