Something Old, Something New – from Fast Tax
Something Old, Something New – from Fast Tax

Something Old, Something New – from Fast Tax

QIC:Fast Tax
PAX:Abacus, Amnesty, Breadsticks, Fast Tax, Kuch, Scooter, Screwtop, Snooze

8 PAX were in attendance this morning as YHC made his first ever trek to The Foundry. After the usual disclaimer, we moseyed a ways and began our warmup, albeit with a slightly smaller group as 2 PAX modified the entire workout into a run.

Grass Grabbers
Hairy Rockettes
Crab Merkin-Plank

Sufficiently warmed we headed to the track for a lap of Catch Me If You Can.
PAX partner up. Partner 1 performs 5 burpees and then sprints to catch the Partner 2, who has been running backwards. Partner 2 now does 5 burpees while partner 1 runs backwards. The cycle continued until we finished a lap with YHC switching from burpees to 10 Merkins, and then to 5 absolutions.

The next event, Triple Check, was new to YHC and admittedly, could use a tweak or two.
Triple Check: Teams of three. First man in a peoples chair, second man in front of him in plank, third man sprints 50 yards and back, rinse and repeat two more times.

With legs burning, YHC decided to introduce City Park PAX to Welsh Dragons – a Fast Tax favorite:
While remaining in plank position, PAX bear crawl forward 5 steps, do 1 merkin, 1 plank jack, and 1 shoulder-tap (2 is 1). Repeat adding 1 rep to each exercise each 5 yds – bear crawl forward 5 yds, do 2 merkins, 2 plank jacks, 2 sets of shoulder-taps… etc. We continued until we got to 12 reps each (about 50 yds), which is a new Welsh Dragons record! For those who like to keep score, we did ½(n)(n+1) of each… for those who like to keep score but don’t like math, we did 78 merkins, 78 plank jacks, and 78 shoulder taps.

With 20 minutes to go, YHC called an audible (to himself) and scrapped the rest of his workout plan, electing to teach the Foundry crowd the finer points of BATTLE FRISBURPEE, a Fast Tax creation that the Pontiff PAX know and love.

Team 1: Scooter, Breadsticks, and Kuch
Team 2: Snooze, Screw Top, and Fast Tax

After a recitation of the rules for those PAX who were new to the game, i.e. all of them, we commenced. The battle was intense, in part because there was a lot more running with only 3 people per team. In the end, it was a decisive victory for Team 1, winning it 3-0.

With game over we headed to COT for name-o-rama, announcements, intentions, and prayer.

Thanks for the fellowship and the chance to lead at The Foundry!