I Wanna Go Fast- Mario Kart – from Paradox
I Wanna Go Fast- Mario Kart – from Paradox

I Wanna Go Fast- Mario Kart – from Paradox

PAX:Kilo, Goose, Perclelator, Paradox

Strong showing in the gloom of the stage on a cool bayou morning with 4 PAX for our first 5:30a beatdown. Goose supplied the coups, Kilo made seven traffic violations on his way in and Perc rounded out the group and told the Monday meetings they can wait. This beatdown creation comes from my longtime love of mario kart and a recent run club variation I picked up while cruising the deep web for beatdown inspiration (please exercise caution typing “car themed beatdown” into your googler). YHC has been letting this pot of pain simmer for a few weeks in the beatdown laboratory. An extra merkin there, a dash of burpee here and the concoction was ready to serve to a hungry PAX.

Warmorama IC 10-15 counts
SSH, WM, IW, Chinooks, Cherry Pickers, Self Love, High Knees, Butt Kickers
New Feature: Deep Squat Dislcaimers (nothing worse than dead air). We aired our grievances and discussed how poor form on burpees turns you into a GroupMe castaway.
*followed by a brief track mosey so the PAX could get a feel for the course.

Thang 1/Extended WarmUp

A few songs to get the Pax into a racing state of mind:

Low Rider: Hold plank with slow merkins on “low rider”
Mustang Sally: headed to the pavilion for Mario power up steps on “sally” ( future note add incline merkins on non sally time or mustangs, I could feel the internal mumble chatter for not adding more pain)
FUN, fun , fun- Beach boys: Coupon Calf raises on song, Coupon OHP on FUN

Its time for the main event…THANG 2

Mario Kart Rules
There are 8 stations designated by neon cones placed at intervals on the track. Underneath each cone are 3 banana peels. Each peel contains an exercise. At each cone you will select a banana peel and complete the exercise then advance to the next station with standard mosey as your mode of transportation. Exercises may include the following:

LIGHTNING-yell lightning and all PAX doing smurf jacks while the card flipper sprints 1 lap on track
BLUE SHELL: All pax do 7 burpees
RAINBOW ROAD: mosey to bumper, sprint back
*if you arrive at a station and flip a banana with a currently being used prop, hold plank until ready

All Pax were given a green turtle shell token. Each token has the power to be handed to another man and end his current suffering and advance him to the next station. Use them wisely. Leave no man behind, but no many where you found him.
We got started and used our guesses at how many “funs” were in the last song to determine pole position. (39 )was correct, Perc was closed with 32, Goose used his typical price is right theory with a high 56 and Kilo with a nice lowball 26.
Starting with station one, 30 second plank and 15 second rest, deployed men at 15 second intervals into the track: Perc, Kilo, Goose, YHC.
Many Blue Shells were endured, Lightning attacks were numerous. With great power came greater responsibility. I think this one will be a staple and we can add wrinkles as we go. (See attached picture for rotation setup).
Wrapped up Lap 2 Blue shells at 6:15. (where is our sunrise?!)

YHC Max HR: 162 : rainbow road sprint?
MumbleChatter: a calm 32%
Lost in Translations: 0? YHC had less coffee, so the speech was clear

Continued prayers for Ukraine/Russian Conflict, Happy house hunting to Kilo (let him know if you have a hot real estate tip!)

COT and Goose prayed us out,

Appreciate the extra savings time effort fellas. It’s a great privilege for me to lead.