Bob the Builder – from Hogs Breath
Bob the Builder – from Hogs Breath

Bob the Builder – from Hogs Breath

QIC:Hogs Breath
PAX:Hogs Breath, Pass Interference

During Mardi Gras Break YHC took a trip to Akron Ohio and posted with the Copley AO. This beatdown was completely stolen from Akron F3.
After a quick warm up. Both pax grabbed a coupon from the trunk of Hogs Breath car, and a rock coupon. The move was simple, one pax would mosey with the coupon across the field, then sprint back to the staring line. While the other pax rested, upon the return of the sprinting pax, the second would begin their coupon mosey, drop off the coupon on the far side and sprint back.
In between the sets, each pax preformed 10 OH press, 10 squats, 10 chest presses.
Second round was the same; pax 1 coupon mosey to drop off the coupon, sprint back. Pax 2 would rinse and repeat.
15 OH press, 10 squats, 15 chest presses
Third round of coupon mosey and sprints.
20 OH press, 20 squats, 20 chest presses
All pax then returned the rock coupons and preformed 25 sets of each coupon exercise.

The morning mumblechatter from Pass Interference went something like “I don’t care what F3 Akron does, I hate sprinting with coupons!”
Ended with COT and Coffeteria.