Better Luck Next Time Calvin – from Paradox
BBeetttteerr LLuucckk NNeexxtt TTiimmee CCaallvviinn  ffrroomm PPaarraaddooxx

Better Luck Next Time Calvin – from Paradox

PAX:Goose, Perc, Paradox

Better Luck Next Time Calvin

YHC woke in a blind panic at 5:15 realizing my car was in the shop and this car had all my F3 props (cones, kettlebell, hickory stick). Had to scratch a fully formed beatdown with said props and jump into the beatdown laboratory for some quick inspiration. Two cups of unleaded later we were ready for an impromptu 3 man beatdown at the Stage. Goose provided some top notch coupons and apple music brought some fresh jams.

Lots of discussion this morning with our QIC and the two PAX involved the great slide incident from a recent peltch beatdown. After a full incident report and lots of counseling we moved on and YHC reinstated himself as YHSC (your humble safety coordinator). Todays plan was to hit as many muscle groups as possible and I think we gave it a fair run.

SSH, IW, WM, AC, SL, HKs, BKs, Morrocan nights, mosey to bumper/stop sign
Wrapped up warm up with a little MJ Beat it: Burpees on Beat it , Al Gore for the rest

Mini Dora #1
50 Coupon Squat Presses, 100 Coupon Curls, 150 Coupon Calf raises alternating with mosey to bumper, stop sign

Neck stretches 10 count, chin to shoulder , roll to side repeat

Best Day of my Life: Side plank reaches then Mountain Climbers on “best day of my life- hook”

Mosey to bumper

Oblique Coupon Raises x10 IC

Mini Dora #2
50 Coupon deadlifts, 100 Coupon rows, 150 LBCs alternating with run-high knees-toy soldier-run around the track

Just enough time for a true finisher
Calvin Harris: Too Close
Chest on ground for back pinchers constant with flutter kicks on the chorus beat drop
Great effort from the PAX and we let Calvin know this was a weak attempt to break us.

HR max: 159 (see you next time Calvin)
Mumble Chatter: ultra low 14% (Perc and Goose are warriors and complaint is not in their DNA)
Paradox Redneck Translations: Perc thinking I was saying EnDoras instead of Mini Doras because English is not YHCs first language.

Strong Effort Fellas

COT and Goose prayed us out
As always I appreciate the opportunity to lead