Kill 2 Birds With 1 Backblast – from Steve
Kill 2 Birds With 1 Backblast – from Steve

Kill 2 Birds With 1 Backblast – from Steve

PAX:Bushwacker, Cowbell, Fletch, Jose10k, Mobydick, Shooter, Steve

That’s right, YHC is incredibly lazy and, were it not for this group of upstanding men, I can only imagine how much lazier I might be. Not only is this a few days late, but we’re also gonna just roll Tuesday and Wednesday’s beatdowns into one BB.

First up, Granny’s, 3/1 – Mardi Gras Tuesday.

Russo was gonna throw us a party, but ended up unable to Q so YHC stepped in with a not-nearly-as-clever (and certainly not nearly as fun) beatdown. It was almost a solo outing (Shooter unfortunately experienced this the day before at the Marsh), had our new ultra runner not shown up. I had been scratching off names of all the out-of-town pax (no Waterpik, no Zoolander, no JV…), letting myself dream about potentially getting back to bed, when Cowbell rolled in. We wearily (and warily) eyed each other (“Are we really gonna do this?”) and then got down to it before either of us could back out. Usual warmorama, then into a tough ladder:

10 burpees, mosey up the stairs and back, then 10 burpees, 20 freak nasties, mosey up the stairs in back. You get the idea. The full ladder would look like:

10 burpees
20 freak nasties
30 merkins
40 mountain climbers
50 big boys
60 squats
70 ssh’s
80 IW’s
90 Apollo Ohno’s
100 LBCs

We only made it through 7 rounds because anything that consistently begins with 10 burpees is gonna eventually slow down. COT, nameorama, YHC prayed us out and we went on our way.

Gipper, 3/2

Again, usual warmorama and then a quick set of 20 merkins, 20 squats, 20 LBCs. Lap around the train depot so everyone knew the route, then started a partner, cinderblock routine. P1 laps the depot while P2 starts on the following exercises:

Squirrels (curls + squats)
Chest presses
Windshield Wipers
Squat Thrusters
Kettlebell swings

And then I believe it was nearing time, so we did another 20 merkins, 20 squats, 20 lbcs before returning the blocks and circling up for COT. Jose prayed us out, with gratefulness for this group and for these men. YHC seconds that – thanks for the opportunity to lead and get better with you gents.