The Fittest Presidents – from Akbar
The Fittest Presidents – from Akbar

The Fittest Presidents – from Akbar

PAX:Akbar, Russo, Waterpik

3 HIM at the Marsh today for a celebration of the fittest Presidents.

Conditions: 67, slightly muggy but comfortable

PAX: Akbar, Russo, Waterpik

Warm up: SSH, Self-Love, Grass Grabbers, Toe Touches, Arm Circles


Celebrate our fittest presidents with Tabata. 46s on, 14s rest, to represent 46 Presidents to date. Almost all Presidents played golf, whether good or not, so some dynamic golf stretches were sprinkled in: Side step ups on bench, Inchworm merkins, lunges with upper body rotation, wife pleasers, single leg wife pleasers, Cat/Cow

Start at center court, with mosey’s to the bench, playground, and intersections down Noah’s Ark. Return back the same way and finish at center court.

George W Bush Running Run/Sprint between each block

Woodrow Wilson Cycling Freddy Mercury

All Presidents Golf Mixed in throughout

George Washington Wrestling Bear Crawl
Abraham Lincoln

Barack Obama Basketball Bobby Hurley’s
Jimmy Carter

Ronald Reagan, JFK Swimming Scuba Steve’s

George H Bush Baseball Nolan Ryan’s
Jimmy Carter

Teddy Roosevelt Wrestling/Boxing Boxers Squat (Al gore punches)

Gerald Ford Football Up Down Merkins
Dwight Eisenhower

Richard Nixon Bowling Bowler’s Lunge

FDR Rowing Supine pull ups/rows

And the President credited with the most sports is…… Jimmy Carter.
Tennis, basketball, track/field, baseball, cross country, golf, hunting, fishing

Mary: Gas pumps, heels to heaven, Dolly, Rosalita, leg raises, LBC’s

Count/Name, and Pik prayed us out

Announcements: Run Cajun Run ends in 7 days – get your mileage in and record your numbers.

Thanks for letting me lead, and appreciate the follow. Till next gloom,
