KB & the Frac – from Fracsac
KB & the Frac – from Fracsac

KB & the Frac – from Fracsac

PAX:Fracsac, Kenna Brah

Kenna Brah was excited to see YHC, so excited that he immediately started doing burpees upon seeing me. “Could this day get any better?”, asked my inner awesome voice. YHC quickly remembered to give a disclaimer, then figured my older brotha from another motha might need a little warmup. So we began with SSH and did some other regular warmup stuff, ending with 10 x 8 count BBs. Then it was time to mosey to the levee to take advantage of the concrete apron that was begging for attention. Since KB (that’s what we’ll refer to him as now) wanted burpees, who was YHC to deny him, or should I say HIM? Elevens with burpees and merkins, stopping at the top of the levee for 5 squats each time. KB really seemed to dig it. We then moseyed to the benches for some Power Ups, derkins, dips, and Bulgarian Split Squats. Those Bulgarians really know how to deliver the burn, I guess that’s why they invented that style of squat. If anyone knows a Bulgarian, please EH him, we need more info on this split squat thang. We saw a couple planes, so we did more burpees, cause that’s kinda what we do. We finished off with some Mary, kickin’ it with the Scuba Diver!


Great stuff!