18 PAX and YHC turned up for a brisk morning at the Skinny, disclaimer was raised then we promptly moseyed over to the field across the street for a warm up –
Side straddle hops-30
Abe vigotas slow-10
Imperial walkers -15
Peter Parker’s-15
Parker peters -15
Flutter kicks-25
After the warm up we recovered and moseyed to the levee for BLIMPS, running back and forth using the power poles for progressively farther turn around points,
After (2) 20 count breathers, the PAX moseyed over to the top of the levee for down and back Bear crawls(x2) then sets on the top of the levee
American Hammer x10
LBC’s X30
merkins x20
Flutter kicks x25
Wife non-pleasers x10
Penguins. X15
Dying cockroaches x20
All were in 2 or 4 count cadence
Now that we were rested, we moseyed off the levee to the front of Audubon for 20x dips, and 15 setups. We then moseyed back to COT for echo count stretches, and 20 merkins to round out our morning. Count off, NoR, intentions, and a prayer. Then all the over achievers made a victory lap of Audubon for RCR.
Somewhere towards the end, Q lost his breath and started squeaking like a pre pubescent teenage girl, but we won’t talk about that. What happens at the The Skinny, stays at The Skinny
PS; I believe a certain PAX still owes us an explanation of what a “19 year old pleaser” is. It remains to be seen if that mystery will ever be solved……
PPS; Also YHC can’t remember the names of 5 of the PAX who attended, sorry for that but your not forgotten. T-claps for those HIM’s
Until next Q-