Legs for Days – from Paradox
Legs for Days – from Paradox

Legs for Days – from Paradox

PAX:Percelator, Goose, Enron

Started the morning off with a special F3 Thibodaux Ceremony. 4 PAX assembled on the Stage. One of our founding fathers placed our very own shovel flag at the stage and we watched it flap gently in the dawn breeze. Shout out to Goose and Enron for the work on the flag, looks awesome!

I’ve been feeling a heavy leg day Q so I got in the lab and cooked up a combo leg whoopin from a few previous beatdowns (shout F3 greensboro).


SSH, Windmills, IW, arm circles, (switched to static legs to prep for the carnage), side squat hold, flamingo hold. We needed just a touch of music to get fully warm so we called in Sting and the Police for an assist. . The perfect warm up song doesn’t exi….ROXANNEEEEE : run in place and burpee on Roxannes .

THANG 1: Mosey around rich mans loop with RochamBurpee at every light. Started with 1 burpee (loser) and 1 merkin (winner) and progressed through ten lights. As the pressure increased the silence of Rock Paper Scissors strategery was deafening. Percle went on a deep run and benefited many light merkins while Goose took shots in the deep rounds that he surely regrets. 10 rounds and back to the FLAG (its so beautiful…)

Set 1: With Coupon: Deadlift-Squat-Right fwd lunge, Left fwd lunge (that’s 1 rep) x10
Run the track
Set 2: 10 squat jumps, 20 mountain climbers (1 leg is 1)

Repeat Entire Cycle 4 times
This lasted much longer than intended, YHC got lost in the leg pump and I Looked down at 6:55!
but we had time for a finisher with 10 second
Al Gores and 30 seconds of depth charges (low slow squat then explode up)

COT and Percle prayed us out
Solid Leg Day fellas!