I Think We Needed Our Heads Examined – from Fast Tax
I Think We Needed Our Heads Examined – from Fast Tax

I Think We Needed Our Heads Examined – from Fast Tax

QIC:Fast Tax
PAX:Bogey, Charmin, Disclaimer, Fast Tax, Hand Grenada, Mahatma

Six of F3 Nola’s finest displayed their true grit and stalwart character when they braved the subarctic temperatures and gale force winds to participate in another round of Battle Frisburpee at the Uptowner on Friday. Okay, maybe not gale-force winds and sub-arctic temperatures but it was 36F with light rain and a wind chill of 28.

After a hasty disclaimer, we moseyed to the driest part of the field for warmups, each of us quietly thinking to ourselves that we should have our head examined…

Grass Grabbers, SSH, Bat Wings with MNC. YHC ditched the Swan Dives b/c that would involve getting wetter than we needed to.

Unwilling to jump right into the highly anticipated main event but trying to keep us warm, YHC kicked things off with Catch Me If You Can:
PAX partner up. Partner 1 performs 10 Merkins and then sprints to catch the Partner 2, who has been running backwards. Partner 2 now does Merkins while partner 1 runs backwards. The cycle continued until we finished a lap with YHC switching from Merkins to Crab Merkins.

Wanting to give the PAX some practice throwing the frisbee in the gale force winds, YHC selected Go Fetch as the next thang:
One pax throws a frisbee. All PAX sprint in that direction until frisbee lands. When it lands, all PAX stop and then lunge-walk until they get to the frisbee. First PAXD there gets to throw the Frisbee, rinse and repeat except change out lunge-walk with bear crawl, then back to lunge walk b/c it is too frickin wet and cold for bear crawls.

With 25 minutes to go, it was time for BATTLE FRISBURPEE.
Team 1: Fast Tax, Hand Grenada, Charmin
Team 2: Bogie, Mahatma, Disclaimer

After a recitation of the rules for those PAX who were new to the game, we commenced. The battle was intense, in part because there was a lot more running with only 3 people per team and a lot more burpees were required due to the wind catching the Frisbee and PAXs’ hands being too frozen to function very well.

The game was tied with 3 minutes to go as the rain started to come down again. Marshaling their reserves, Team 1 (primarily Charmin & Hand Grenada b/c YHC was done in by that point) adroitly and tactically moved the Frisbee down the field to score the final point, winning the game 2-1.

With game over we headed to COT for name-o-rama, announcements, intentions, and prayer.
Followed by Coffeteria at PJs.
Thanks for the fellowship! SYITG

One comment

  1. Mahatma

    No doubt a hard fought battle – it was Disclaimer and Handgranada with you in what will be a disputed victory – Handgranada was hit a mili second before the catch by a well thrown battle ball. This is why instant reply was invented!

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