As the clock read 0627, YHC arrived at Renaissance to one Pax doing burpees waiting on the Q’s arrival.
After hearing the 0629 alarm, YHC started with a disclaimer including realizing there may possibility be only two in attendance while the thermometer read 37° Or was it The Q’s calendar stating Sandbags that scares Pax from attending.
Either way, we started with a warmup mosey loop at the entrance of NOMA, Abe Vigoda x10, another loop, and grass grabbers x10, another loop and arm circles x 10.
For the Thang, Pax 1 would mosey a loop around NOMA while Pax 2 would perform exercise, then switch
Rounds 1 & 2, exercise 60# sandbag burpee thrusters
Rounds 3 & 4, 60# sandbag bench press
Rounds 5 & 6, 60# sandbag toss over the shoulder
We then moseyed to back of burpees before 3 minutes of Sunday mornings then back to the virtual flag & COT and the arrival of a 3rd Pax who escaped a house full of 9 girls for a run