He really said that….. – from Fracsac
HHee rreeaallllyy ssaaiidd tthhaatt....  ffrroomm FFrraaccssaacc

He really said that….. – from Fracsac

The Star is now The Goldmine, and the new location at Lasalle Park elevates Friday options to another level.
With the new launch, YHC took the Q to set the new AO on a path to success. With the Shovel flag planted, a disclaimer was given, then a short mosey to a nice grassy area.

Warmup consisted of the usual stuff, skipping the unnecessary stuff.

The thang:

Route 66 at the light poles with burpees

Dirty Mac Deuce along the way around the park.

YHC asked RevSox at one point how many burpees we were to do today. He answered 66. That was wrong so we incurred a penalty of 10 burpees with 14 more along the way to our next stop.

Complete 2 burpees, skip 30 yards, run back. Rinse and Repeat x 5.

Mosey back to flag for plank and J-Lo’s.



– Found some new options for beat downs.
– RevSox pulled up at 5:29 and said he was supposed to be at the Uptowner to Q. We then heard him mutter something under his breath, something that I can’t put in black and white. I think I’ll bring soap next Friday.
– 100 burpees down. We could have done more.
– YHC is aware of what everyone is thinking: what about Q vs Q? YHC will speak with Mambi and the details will be provided to give you that monthly Fix.