All About The Benjamins – from Hokie
All About The Benjamins – from Hokie

All About The Benjamins – from Hokie

Seven Pax met at The Uptowner on a pleasant cool morning for a pre-coffeeteria ante

We started warm ups, walking backwards on track with long strides around the bend and stopped on the other goal line/corner for some stretching.

Abe Vigoda x 10
Grass Grabbers x 10
Bend over and reach for ground, down right leg, back to center, down left leg, back to center
Arm Circles x 10

After stretching “ran” backwards down the straight to the far goal line by the playground, lunged toward playground, and moseyed to rock pile where instructed to get a rock allowing us to shoulder press 25 times straight.

Now rifle carry towards the field by gym with the two tree lines for some Benjamins

25 Shoulder presses
Rifle carry from one tree line to the other
25 shoulder presses and rifle carry back to the original tree line.
Rinse and repeat.

100 Shoulder presses (Benjamin) complete.

Next round after self love x 10…

25 Curls, drop rock,
25 Bear Crawls toward other tree line, 10 burpees, 25 Bear crawls back to 1st tree line, 10 burpees
rinse and repeat… 50 curls in (not Benjamin, but 100 lunges Benjamin complete)

25 more curls, 25 lunges toward other tree line, 10 burpees, 25 lunges back, rinse and repeat
(now 100 curls complete for that Benjamin)

15 Burpees

100 Shoulder presses
100 Curls
100 Bear Crawls
100 Lunges
75 Burpees (Sorry Frac)

Mosey back to rock pile and flag.

Thank you for allowing me to lead