Sweetness at the Ho – from Fracsac
Sweetness at the Ho – from Fracsac

Sweetness at the Ho – from Fracsac

Westward Ho needed some love, so YHC stepped up and snagged the Q. Arrived a little early to get some burpees in, because that’s kind of what I do….
Luckily Mahatma pulled up, keeping it from being the loneliest site.

Disclaimer given.

Warmup with usual stuff.

The Thang:

Pax 1 carry Sweetness across the parking lot, complete 10 burpees and carry her back.
Pax 2 jump rope.
Rinse and Repeat x 4

4 corners with merkins, squats, Floyd Mayweathers, LBCs, lunges, big boi sit-ups, tin snips and dying cockroaches.


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