Nothing Fancy, Just Grinding it Out – from Baywatch
Nothing Fancy, Just Grinding it Out – from Baywatch

Nothing Fancy, Just Grinding it Out – from Baywatch

The rain missed us on Sunday and spared the PAX at Pontiff. It would have been a wet, muddy, and cold morning otherwise. Instead, the cooler temp was pleasant with an 18 mph breeze, so YHC made sure the workout wasn’t so pleasant. We headed over to the rock pile for a warmup.

Mountain Climbers 25 IC
Imperial walkers 25 IC
Hillbillies 25 IC
Arm Circles 15 IC (both directions)
Grass Grabbers 10 IC

With the warmup complete, everyone grabbed their obligatory rock and headed to the field.

The Thang

Grab a dance partner. While one partner is doing the rock exercise, the other partner runs to the 50 yard line and back. Then switch.

100 over head presses
200 curls
300 chest presses
400 flutter kicks

I must admit, the curls were brutal. Although, my rock choice sure didn’t help. This took a little longer than expected so YHC cut short the next exercise. With a few minutes left, we lined up on the goal line. We bear crawled to the 20 yard line, did 5 burpees and bear crawled backed. Then we did the same thing to the 10 yard line and back.

With rocks returned and all PAX back at the flag, we did some low slow squats and merkins IC to close out the morning.