Where’s Waldo? Is MacGyver with him 😜 – from Hokie
Where’s Waldo? Is MacGyver with him 😜 – from Hokie

Where’s Waldo? Is MacGyver with him 😜 – from Hokie

Under clear beautiful skies, 4 Pax gathered under the stars at 36° along the levee known as Best Bank Batture and anxiously awaited the young gun Q Master… at 0500 T-Square and Hokie decided Hokie would take the 1st half and T-Square would bring it home.

After a brief warm-a-Rama of SSH, Abe Vigoda & Imperial Walkers we mosey to the near parking lot for 11’s starting with 10 Burpee and 1 Big Boi sit up while traversing the parking lot from the wall to the guard shack 10.1, 9.2, 8.3 …. 55 burpees later and 22 minutes into the morning Hokie turned over the Q to T-Square

We moseyed back to the “cubbies” for 5 minutes of Suck It… 3 Burpees, 5 incline merkins, 5 squats, rinse & repeat non-stop for 5 minutes

Next we help our crawled on top of the cubbies and took a 1 minute nap while holding our legs at 6 inches, followed by a one minute high plank.

With the next evolution, the 4 Pax went to the 4 extremes 12-6 & 9-3 like 3-6-9-12 on a clock around “the track”. One Pax would run 1/4 counter clockwise while all others performed SSH until all 4 Pax ran 1/4 loop.

Rinse & repeat with LBC’s for round two.

It would not be The Best Bank Batture without closing with 3 rounds of 10 echo count Lazy Boys … back, right & left.

Afterwards we closed with COT where we lifted up Emily who is now kicking Covid/Corona in addition to Cancer (C-Square is M T-square) and prayers of gratitude for War Eagle and his new 2.0 we took a knee with social distancing

Get healthy ShortBus!

PS . I followed up with our missing Q who responded, “ I was doing fantastic till you texted me and I realized that closing my eyes for a second had turned into a fartsack😭 I think I owe about 400 burpies now”

All is good!