It was an ever so slightly chilly, 36°, upon our arrival, so after a very quick disclaimer, we started with a 300m mosey to get the blood a-flowin’ followed with SSH, grass grabbers and arm circles before lining up along the goal line for the explanation which was short n sweet …
Do 5 burpees,
lunge walk 5 yards,
rinse & repeat to the other goal line…
100 yards of lunges, 105 burpees
Lunge back and circle the six so some got an extra 10 – 40 burpees
Mosey to the rock pile with the instructions to get a rock heavy enough to challenge yourself and bench press for 1 minute.
Next evolution, EMOM 5 burpees and then bench press your rock
After two minutes we rotated counter clockwise one position so we could all see who had heavy and who had light rocks 😉
15 minutes later we moseyed back to the flag for our final 5 burpees and some stretching.
Thank you for allowing me to lead!