Gettin Sweaty after Christmas – from Triple Shift
Gettin Sweaty after Christmas – from Triple Shift

Gettin Sweaty after Christmas – from Triple Shift

The issue with writing a backblast a week after it happens is that you forget almost everything that happens…sigh! Well, King Kong strong armed me into this Q and I am glad I had the opportunity to lead 15 other PAX members for a glorious after Christmas beatdown.

I gave my usual disclaimer that I’m not a professional trainer and I am not insured so ‘push yourself but don’t hurt yourself, modify as needed.’ With Willie coming in 3 minutes late, we did 15 burpees in cadence as a penalty, so Willie won’t do that again. This is where it starts getting fuzzy.
30 SSH, 10 Slow Vigodas, 20 Low Slow Squats followed by a Plank O Rama of Peter Parkers, Shoulder Taps, Parker Peters, and Floyd Mayweather’s all 15 IC

We lined up and did an animal parade of bear crawls going out and crawl bears coming back. Duck Walks and Walk Ducks and finally Monkeys each side.
Now that we’re warm, we proceed to the long planter ledge and do 10 single leg squats (right leg) with the KB then 20 KB swings. Rinse and repeat with the left leg. After the single leg squats, we do Bulgarian Split Squats (10 each leg with 20 KB swings in between). Finally, we head to the wrought iron benches to perform 10 hip thrusts followed by 20 KB swings x 2. Time is running short, so we do a set of MARY with flutter kicks, dying cockroaches and box cutters.

Did the countoff and welcomed FNG Sparky and Roux Paul who came back to town after moving to Virginia. Prayers for those who are suffering and dealing with health issues. Finally, gave thanks to the Creator for the strength and breath to live another day to become better men.