No Shoe Left Untied…No Cowbell Either? – from Bushwacker
No Shoe Left Untied…No Cowbell Either? – from Bushwacker

No Shoe Left Untied…No Cowbell Either? – from Bushwacker

It was great to be back out at the Scramble, especially on a crisp clear morning with Christmas carols in the air! As we began the warm up, a bright pair of head lights made the corner and what to our wondering eyes did appear but Zoolander arriving to spread Christmas cheer…but no Cowbell.


x10 IC:
SSH, High Knees, Imperial Walkers, Slow Squats, Windmills, Toe Touches


It seems since Ida took out out the pier, there is no more “Regular” route, and Qs have been trying to be clever with various trajectories and tribulations for the PAX to suffer through. QIC was similarly inspired last night, but that inspiration was dashed by a wave of life and the Scramble was all the better for it. We went something like this: Messina to Monroe to W Beach to Lakshore to Coffee to Villere (through Pik Pass) back to Messina and returning to city hall. Along the way YHC had to stop to retie his shoe, it’s always this pair, always the right one. So I chose to keep a brisker pace in order to catch back up the the pack O’ scramblers each of the 5000 times it happened!


7 minutes more, the better to kill the core! 100x OYO:
LBCs, 100s, Freddy Mercurys, Flutter Kicks, Roslitas

Count/name (still no Cowbell). Requesting special intentions for a friend, Bird reminded us that the holidays can be a hard time for some people. YHC took us out with a focus on the value we bring to each other, and the urging to share that value, in whatever form, to others we encounter.

As were were concluding our activities, Waterpick’s Dick Tracy watch went off alerting us all that Cowbell had gone straight to Liz’s Where Ya At to reserve a table for a lil coffeteria . What do ya know, Cowbell showed up after all!