It’s All Fun and Games Until Jingle Bell Time – from Goose
It’s All Fun and Games Until Jingle Bell Time – from Goose

It’s All Fun and Games Until Jingle Bell Time – from Goose

Six PAX gathered Saturday morning at a thickly decorated Peltch with high hopes that a game would provide a needed break from what had been a grinding week of brutal beatdowns.

It didn’t.

Warmup: SSH, WM, AC, IW, SL (the favorites)

A 3 on 3 game of ultimate frisburpee started with Team Dawson blasting to an early lead in what looked to be a total blowout requiring some team switching to make things more even. But, after Coyote’s trash talking lit a fire under Enron, an epic comeback was underway. YHC offered to end the game after 20 minutes with a tie score of 10-10, but a tie was not the fulfillment Enron and Cardinal were looking for, so Goose and his Goslings promptly scored another goal.
The new Southshore rules made for a faster, more competitive game (last person to touch the frisbee when it lands does 4 burpees, and the frisbee is live for either team), though we weren’t able to incorporate the dodgeball throwing goalie without a few more PAX on the field.

Moseyed to just north of the Thunderdome where we planked up for some Christmas action to the song “Jingle Bells”: stayed in plank with Merkins for every “Jingle”, and a different exercise for each verse:
Verse 1: Mountain Climbers
Verse 2: Australian Sweat Angels
Verse 3: Flutter Kicks
Verse 4: Plank Jacks

Quick mosey to the Diamond where PAX partnered up for a “catch me if you can” around the bases: P1 bear crawled around the bases while P2 completed 15 180-degree jump squats (spin halfway around at each jump) and 10 Big Boi Situps, then P2 ran to catch P1 and take over bear crawling. P2 ran the rest of the way home to plank up while waiting for P1 to get there. Flapjack and repeat.

Then, PAX lined up in handstand position against the dugout fence for a Balls the Wall Indian Crawl: first person in line dropped and bear crawled to the end until all PAX had a turn.

Last element–PAX lined up on the first base line for suicides: Nur (backwards run) to the pitchers mound and run back to complete 1 triple jump squat burpee; then, to the second base line and back with 2 triple jump squat burpees, then halfway through the outfield w/3, and then to the wall and back with 4.
The way YHC wrote it up, it was only going to be 1 triple jump squat burpee at every return to the baseline, but since Enron was excited enough to ask, “Only 1?”, YHC though it an excellent moment to teach the new PAX about the dynamic of mumblechatter. There would ultimately be four total modifications due to mumblechatter, and the PAX was grateful for the opportunity to be drawn deeper into the culture of F3…

After moseying back to the flag for some Mary, count off, COT, and prayer, YHC explained some of the reasoning behind the ramping up of intensity over the past week or so:

One of the things I’m most grateful for about F3 is that, though it provides a deep sense of shared purpose and accomplishment, rarely does participation in F3 inflate the ego. I usually leave a beatdown both humbled and grateful, which provides me with the perfect mindset for my role as husband, father, employee, friend, and most importantly, a child of God. So, if the beatdown doesn’t humble us, we miss out on a great gift, not to mention that one of the greatest obstacles to true companionship is a swollen ego.
So, I’m deeply grateful for F3 and for you men for giving me the opportunity to be humbled together with you.
