Shurley you Jest ~ VQ/Farewell Q – from Hokie
Shurley you Jest ~ VQ/Farewell Q – from Hokie

Shurley you Jest ~ VQ/Farewell Q – from Hokie

Shurley joined F3 NOLA on 10.14.19 after being EH’d by Sea Man. Hurricane Ida sent him evacuating to KCMO where he has been Plucking the Duck selling supplemental insurance to companies and their employees, much to the dissatisfaction to The Duck.

He was in town to help his family pack and relocate and 12.19.21 was going to be his farewell to F3 NOLA.

Your’s Truly discovered Shurley had never Q’d and coerced him to step up so he could be Freed to Lead in KCMO.

After some amount of confusion changing cadence during the warm ups of Abe Vigodas x 10, Grass Grabbers x 14 and SSH x19 (10.14.19) we moseyed to the grassy field for The Thang.

Starting at the 1st tree, 10 reps of Peter Parkers
Bear Crawl two trees then 14 reps of Mountain climbers
Bear Crawl two trees then 19 reps of Daniel Son (Stand on one leg, kick while switching legs… aka Daniel Son Crane kick)
10.14.19 complete for his start date
Now turn back towards NOMA to start 12.19.21 portion

12 reps of Whacky Jacks with Vagabond
Bear Crawl two trees then 19 reps of Goofballs with FracSac
Bear Crawl two trees back to our starting point then 21 reps of Dying Coach Roaches with Mambi

2 burpees for the two years of F3 Fun

Rinse and repeat except change the distance to three trees in honor of Shurley’s 3 2.0’s

Rinse and repeat a 3rd time until 7:05 when we stopped and honored Rummel’s class of ’92 with both Mambi and Shurley with 92 Shoulder Taps (we at least thought of Vagabond as per did #87)

Heading back to the back of NOMA for Sunday mornings until time ran out.

COT included lifting up Mahatma’s friend Stephen Lindsey & his family as Stephen gets ready to join Our Heavenly Father at the eternal banquet table. We also lifted up Shurley and his family and their new life in KCMO where we all expect Shurley to step up and lead and plant new AO’s

Shurley closed us out with a heart felt gratitude for his time with us in NOLA.