No Bricks Were Harmed During This Beatdown – from Steve
No Bricks Were Harmed During This Beatdown – from Steve

No Bricks Were Harmed During This Beatdown – from Steve

Pax of 8 over at Granny’s yesterday morning, including a new face , Pass Interference. This guy Q’d his farewell Q on Thursday in Atlanta only to then move down to Pearl River over the weekend and post at Granny’s on Tuesday? Huh. Impressive. Also impressive are Granny’s numbers lately. It’s hard to say exactly, what with the lack of backblasts and all (I don’t wanna hear it, Akbar!), but YHC would say it’s been 7 pax or more for over two months. What caused this sudden resurgence? Russo’s number-themed beatdowns? Or maybe Zoolander’s continued efforts to grow the pax finally paying off? Or maybe it’s Granny’s recent facelift? (She’s all dolled up with Christmas lights these days and has a new splashpad – which feels like two years in the making and hardly looks different.) Who knows, but regardless, it’s great having a bigger group out there.

Anyhow. The beatdown.

Warmorama: SSH, good mornings, IWs, hillbillies, arm circles, windmills, seal jacks, 10x IC. Usually I stretch this out in anticipation of a Cowbell – arriving in Cowbell time – but no need to today. He clipped the curb coming in five minutes EARLY.

Started off making the block, stopping twice to do 10x kraken burpees.

Then onto an incredibly well-organized circuit including “shit brick sliders,” which a visiting pax (from Birmingham?) brought down to us a few years back. The man on the sliders would be a timer, taking two bricks and sliding them down the trace in a bear crawl-like position until he made it through the tunnel of lights. Run the bricks back, and the everyone rotates. Clockwise. Or counter clockwise. Doesn’t matter, Akbar is gonna do what Akbar wants to do when it’s this early in the morning. The other stations might have been:

Leg raises
Freak Nasties
Jump squats

Unbelievably, the bricks survived (Pik took it easy this morning). But we did leave some red chalky streaks down the trace that give a little horror vibe to all of the otherwise festive decorations at the trailhead. Anyway, after everyone got a taste with the bricks, we Lt Dan-ned our way down the trace until we reached the bus depot, where we stopped for one final set of 10x kraken burpees.

Two minutes to spare for a rapid fire set of leg raises, dollies, rosalitas, lbcs, and freddies.

COT where we informed Pass Interference of the upcoming Braveheart screening, Mathlete Q, and Nightmare Before Christmas. Pik prayed us out. Thank you men for the post and the push, it’s always a pleasure.