Brick or Treat – from Rudy
Brick or Treat – from Rudy

Brick or Treat – from Rudy

PAX:Baywatch, Fracsac, Rudy

3 PAX in the Okwata gloom. Some other LVCC clown-car PAX decided to stay home, apparently. The path to the levee was definitely wet. Too wet, even for YHC. So instead, Frac, Baywatch and YHC grabbed some bricks from the Mini and headed over to the fountain to start our day off right. The fountain was flowing in all of its glory. A great place to get the blood flowing!

Warmup with some stretching, SSH, IW and some arm circles (con bricks)

Thang 1: What YHC calls (as of about 3 minutes ago) the “Leg Machine”. 2 PAX doing leg stuff, while one PAX runs a loop. Keep exchanging roles, so everyone gets plenty of chances to run while not missing out on any of the leg stuff. Go through step-ups, squats, lunges, monkey humpers, calf raises. And keep carrying your bricks.

Thang 2: Over to the water for a Route 66 with Floyd Mayweathers (yes, with the bricks). That was a bit harder than I expected.

Thang 3: Four Corners (at Canal). 10 Brickees, run up the hill. 10 Dying Cockroaches (yes, with your bricks). Brick-Bearcrawl across the neutral ground. 10 Merkins, run down the hill. 10 BB Situps. We got 3 cycles in.

Moseyed back to the flag for COT. Finally dropped the dang bricks. I forgot how hard just holding the brick for 45 minutes can be… My forearms are still jelly.

Thanks, Baywatch, for encouraging me to get back out to Okwata. Okwata – I’ve missed you of late, I look forward to making you part of the regular schedule again.