Welcome back Bear for IPC 2021 Week 4 – MaryAnne’s Mayhem – from Hokie
Welcome back Bear for IPC 2021 Week 4 – MaryAnne’s Mayhem – from Hokie

Welcome back Bear for IPC 2021 Week 4 – MaryAnne’s Mayhem – from Hokie


For this 45 minute workout, set the timer for 52 minutes and 30 seconds 😉


In sets up 25 with a 25 yard run, 3 burpees and 25 yard run back

200 curls (8 sets of 25)
175 squats (7 sets of 25)
150 Overhead Press (6 sets of 25)
125 Kettlebell Swings (5 sets of 25)
100 Merkins (4 sets of 25)
75 Thrusters (3 sets of 25)
50 Bonnie Blairs (right leg-left leg = 1 rep) (2 sets of 25)
25 Blockees (1 sets of 25)

If you finish all of the exercises, repeat in reverse order from the last time you just did it.

The burpees DO NOT count in your rep count.

900 reps is the total if you get through all of the exercises.