On a beautiful crisp morning, YHC arrived to the a1c realizing that he had forgotten to create a workout for this morning. Softball had kept him out to late the night before, so he reached into his bag for supplies. The usual crew showed up. I quickly found a deck of cards and it was on!
Warmups: arm circles, self love, torso twists, and something else ( with 10 hand released merkins in between). Inspired by STEVE, lt. Dan’s across the parking garage. Moseyed back to the center, rock music playing, the deck of death began. Hearts: leg raises. Diamond: big boy situps, spades: gas pumps, and clubs: freddy mercurys in cadence, the joker was 5 calf raises on each step, up all 3 flights. Deck of death, core style! COT, and einstein prayed us out! Thanks for letting me lead brothers.