Big Bro’s Birthday Beatdown – from Snooze
Big Bro’s Birthday Beatdown – from Snooze

Big Bro’s Birthday Beatdown – from Snooze

PAX:Abacus, Backed up, Catfish, High Rise, Pop-Tart, Pothole, Saban, Scooter, Snooze, Thumb War, Tool

11 PAX showed up in the humid gloom to celebrate a resounding Saints victory and get our swole on. In addition to celebrating a Saints win, I am also celebrating my older brother’s 43rd birthday today. I’ve been EH-ing him for a while now without success. I was hopeful that a beatdown inspired by his birthday might be the extra bit of guilt needed to finally coerce him into the gloom. Sadly, because he was overserved in Jacksonville celebrating the Saints win in person, my brother was not present for an FNG birthday beatdown. No matter, the EH-ing and the birthday inspired show must go on…

SSHs x 20
Imperial Walkers x 15
Arm circles x 10 (both directions)
Windmills x 10
Grass grabbers x 10
8-count bodybuilders x 10

The Thang

My brother was born on 09/13/1978, so we celebrated with a birthday-inspired Tabata block beatdown. 4 rounds of 9 exercises — 43 seconds of work with 13 seconds of rest between exercises – all while rocking out to some of 1978’s greatest hits!

1. Blockees
2. Curls
3. Goblet Squats
4. Alternating hand block merkins
5. Overhead Press
6. Block lunges
7. Derkins
8. Skull crushers
9. Thrusters

All you need to know about how this went can be appropriately summed up by Catfish’s post-beatdown message on the LVCC GroupMe: “good lord that was fun! Save that one so we can do it again soon!” Ummm, fun… sure…

We finished up with some dealer’s choice Mary: Freddy Mercuries x 20, Box Cutters x 20, J-Lo’s x 20, and Flutter Kicks x 21.

Closed things out with COT and special intentions for all those dealing with loss following Hurricane Ida. Thanks for the opportunity to lead.