Copycat – from Rudy
Copycat – from Rudy

Copycat – from Rudy

PAX:Water Pistol, Bag Pipes

YHC was devoid of inspiration late Sunday night. The Q was his in the am. He’d just fallen back on his usual (Rock 11s) very recently, and couldn’t risk disappointing RevSox again. Fortunately, Mr. Arkansas unintentionally came to the rescue as he posted his pre-BB. It looked brutal. So… Sounds about right for Rock City.

Call me a Copycat. I’m ok with that. After clarifying what an “alpo” was, and realizing that would only cause problems at Rock City, YHC modified slightly, and had a game plan. Alas, despite having promised it to a few other Pax (looking at you Frac – thanks for coming anyway), the Yippee Bag was still in the closet waiting to be filled up with treats for another future workout.

At 5:30, YHC issued the disclaimer, tried to give our FNG some fair warning (thanks, Vagabond, for bringing him out!) and we were off to the rock pile.

Quick WarmUp. YHC fumbled through the explanations of Peter Parker and Imperial Walker, falling back on “uh, just move this thingy towards that thingy.” I think I actually used the words “appendage”. Scantron seemed to offer necessary clarity to our FNG.

Grab a Rock. Feel free to go big – once we get to the Tree Field, we won’t be moving.

The Thang: Rock Pyramid. Once again, YHC struggled mightily with his “words” during the explanation of this. The PAX were not bashful at calling out my multiple verbal fumbles. Thanks for keeping me honest – I can only imagine how I might have responded as a PAX to this kind of mumbo-jumbo I was spouting. But anyway…

Manmakers, Overhead Presses, Curls, Squats, Rows, BB Situps, Bench Presses were the exercises. Do the pyramid. The one catch: YHC was the timer – x5, then x5/x10, then x5/x10/x15 etc. etc. etc. Everyone else: push yourselves and do as many as you can in the same interval. So we stay together in time, but everyone is going OYO. Makes about as much sense here as I write it as it did while I tried to say it.

Ample resting to try and recover, intermingled with a few penalty laps for PAX heckling. But we got through it. Must have pushed the PAX because things DEFINITELY got quieter after about 15 mins.

Bring the rocks back (Rifle Carry as much as possible). Head back for some LBCs, a few burpees. And welcome Triple Shift, who seemed to be joining us after a leisurely walk around the park.

COT, including naming of our new guy “Water Pistol” (last name was Cannon – Thanks Hand Gernada, for what might go down as the fastest naming ever….) Welcome back Bagpipes – may we see you again soon!