Chi Chi Ah Ah – from Jose10k
Chi Chi Ah Ah – from Jose10k

Chi Chi Ah Ah – from Jose10k

PAX:Barely Legal, BBQ, Jose10k, Tanked Up

Friday the 13th, how would I create a beatdown for this historic Friday. Thoughts were bounding around my head all day. I was excited after dropping off my daughter to start planning, however, my nephew blew up my phone with countless Algebra 3 questions late into the night. Still, I had to create something. Then I worried that the resident 80s/90s pop culture buff (Hammer) would find countless holes in my movie references. Too much pressure on YHC, so I limped in with a simple version of a Friday the 13th beatdown. All exercises were in reps of 13. Maybe next time.
Warm-ups: ssh, torso twists, grass grabbers, arm circles, shoulder presses
The thang: 4 corners each corner reps of 13, first round was merkins with simple jog between corners, then jump squats with back paddle half way, sprint the other half. Then a Waterpik fav, bear crawl the length of the parking garage with a merkin at each painted line. Lunge walk back. Moseyed to the rock garden for some coupon work. Curls for the girls, then rows, squats and kettle bell swings. Moseyed back. Then 5 calf raises each step all the way up, followed up with Mary. COT with Legal praying us out. Thanks for the chance to lead gentlemen, always a pleasure.