How are you, my F3 Brother? Really, how are you? – from Hokie
How are you, my F3 Brother? Really, how are you? – from Hokie

How are you, my F3 Brother? Really, how are you? – from Hokie


Copied from F3 Suncoast Ripken except I replaced his phone number with mine

Please read…. One of the guys in F3 MeCa took his own life this past week. He seemingly had it all together, and no one realized he was mentally struggling. He reached out to a few pax/friends, but his request didn’t seem important. Guys suck a communicating…I know I do at times.

I don’t want to ever hear this story from anyone I know, most of all from F3 NOLA. Therefore, read these words of wisdom from their Nantan. Get one accountability partner; better yet, start your Shieldlock today. If you ever want to talk, I’m here. My cell is tel: 504.417.9382.

Start by taking the DRP and showing up at a beatdown this week somewhere. I don’t care if you’re injured or have some beef or don’t like mornings, F3 is more than a workout, and while we were all Sad Clowns at one point, we’re not going back there. Ask the guy next to you if he’s ok, and don’t accept “fine” for an answer; call some guy you haven’t seen in a while. And know, in the words of Frac, “I love you!”

I wanted to share some words posted by one of MeCa’s site Qs this week after what was a tough weekend for the Men of MeCa.

“Some of us get up and make the donuts, in MeCa we’re now all about “Being the Medicine”
“Guys, it was an emotional weekend for us all. We aren’t designed by the Creator to do life alone. I heard and read different men this weekend talk about their medication. For some, their medication is chemical. For some, F3 is their medication. For others, both are their medication.

I’m no doctor or psychologist or therapist, but the way I see it, we all fall into two different categories, and can even bounce in and out of each category.

Cat A: you need the medication.

F3 can be a form of medication that can help if you let it. I fall into this category. You’ve heard me talk a few times about how challenging it is for my wife and I with our younger daughter and her many issues. I see a huge difference in how I handle it on days I show up to F3 and days I don’t.

Cat B: You are the medication.

That’s right, you may not know it, but you are a vital reason that F3 is someone’s medication. The more of us that show up, the better the medication dose is for the ones that need it. I recognize that I fall into this category too. There are days, like last Monday, I didn’t want to get up. I decided to anyway, and was glad I did, as there were only 3 of us that day at the Dawghouse.

I am reminded of Chapter 4 of the book of Ecclesiastes: “Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But someone who falls alone is in real trouble. Likewise, two people lying close together can keep each other warm. But how can one be warm alone?

A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken.”

So I ask this of you all:

Come out this week and get your medication.
Come out this week and be the medication.

SYITG…hopefully tomorrow!

HOKIE out.