Oh Crap I have the Q! – from Willie
Oh Crap I have the Q! – from Willie

Oh Crap I have the Q! – from Willie

PAX:Bieber, Bones, Chowdah, Douille, Grinder, Jingle Vader, Nip/Tuck, Sandbar, Sphinxter, Squeal, Wax On, Will Gandy, Willie, Yogi

Mosey to the pull up bars for a warm up. Split into theee groups , pull ups (10), Merkins, and squats. Rotate. Rinse and repeat. Mosey to the Zoo for DORA 1,2,3, Merkins, squats, Freddie Merks. Merkin and Monkey Humper Ring of Fire, Then PAX assisted Mary for the remaining time.