Sunday Morning w/ Cindy and Bruce – from Catfish
Sunday Morning w/ Cindy and Bruce – from Catfish

Sunday Morning w/ Cindy and Bruce – from Catfish

PAX:Abacus, Catfish, Fracsac, Heisenberg, Hokie, Stiletto

Hot and Ready at the Renny w/ 6 PAX.

Started hot out the gates on the museum steps with 25 8-count bodybuilders. On to faces for a plank-o-rama with Peter Parkers, Plank Jacks, Shoulder Taps, and Parker Peters.

Moseyed to foundry. Got in a ring of fire with Al Gores and Bonnie Blairs, then did 5 rounds of Cindy Crawford (5 pull-ups, 10 merks, 15 squats, 20 calf raises, 25 LBCs). They went for a round of Bruce Lees (American Hammers, Leg Lifts, LBCs, Crunchy Frog, Penguins, and 100s).

Back to the museum for 4-ish minutes of Sunday Mornings.

Back to flag for CoT. Coffeeteria @ PJ’s.