First Weekend of Jazzfest F3 Nola Style – from Fracsac
First Weekend of Jazzfest F3 Nola Style – from Fracsac

First Weekend of Jazzfest F3 Nola Style – from Fracsac

PAX:Abacus, Bongo, Bongo, Catfish, Fast Tax, Fracsac, Heisenberg, Jingle Vader, Thumb War, Thumb War, Tool, Triple Shift, Mall Cop, Moist

12 Pax made a choice to take the DRP on their journey to get right and posted to the Mothership wondering what awesomeness YHC had in store. With a shovel flag planted, disclaimer was given, then:

Mosey to the Great Lawn

IW x 15
Abe Vigodas x 10
GG x 10
Bat wings (dancing during Moroccan NC)

The next exercise was a 10 count, consisting of Plank walk, merkin, shoulder tap, plank jack – IC x 10

With some Dr John playing, the Pax are feeling a little motivated!

The Motivator! Deconstructed SSH descending from 10 to 1. Want to know more, ask a Pax that was there.

Next up was the Bear Crawl at the Acura Stage!

3 cones 25 yards apart placed in shape of a triangle. Pax performs one burpee at first marker and bear crawls to 2nd marker, 2 burpees and bear crawl to 3rd marker, 3 burpees and bear crawl back to 1st marker. Rinse and Repeat x 3.

YHC likened the next COP to what we experience at Jazz Fest when it’s hot and muddy. You embrace the moment, hence you embrace the suck!

3 minutes of:
Bobby Hurleys x 7
Merkins x 7
LBC x 7
Rinse and repeat counting rounds out loud

1 minute rest

Repeat 3 minutes of:
Bobby Hurleys x 7
Merkins x 7
LBC x 7
Rinse and repeat counting rounds out loud, trying to beat first round!

Next up was a little Burpee fun!

Deconstructed Burpees! Do the following IC:
Squat x 10
Thrust x 10
Merkin x 10
Thrust x 10

Squat x 9
Thrust x 9
Merkin x 9
Thrust x 9

Continue down to 1 of each! Then put them all together and do 10 Burpees OYO!

Next up – Four Corners BLIMPS style!

5 x Burpees run to next corner
10 x Lunges run to next corner
15 x Imperial Walkers….
20 x Merkins…..
25 x Plank Jacks….
30 x Squats…..

Return to center of cones for a 2 minutes of planking followed by a few minutes of Mary.

Return to the Flag



-It was great to be back at the Mothership! Sign up and bring some heat! YHC proved the Pax could enjoy a serious beat down without ever leaving the Great Lawn!
-YHC wasn’t sure about the play list, but Tool complimented the Dr John choice, which is major coming from the guru of Nola playlists!
-City Park cleanup and Coffeteria at Cafe Navarre with great F2

Thanks for the opportunity to be a part of this awesome brotherhood!