Curls for the Girls! – from BBQ
Curls for the Girls! – from BBQ

Curls for the Girls! – from BBQ

PAX:Akbar, Barely Legal, BBQ, Bushwacker, Einstein, Mobydick, Steve, TurboTax, Bubba and Maverick

The weather was cold and rainy but that did not stop 10 sturdy and strong NS F3 men from rising to the challenge. The beat down moved under the trailhead shelter and went heavy on coupons. The warm up exercises were side straddle hops, torso twists, self love, wind mills, arm circles with little balls and biggest balls, grass grabbers, mountain climbers, inverted mountain climbers, plank jacks, merkins and shoulder rolls. YHC had some struggles with cadence and count but I think I am making some progress! Coupons were used for 4 rounds of 11 exercises. 3 types of curls, overhead lifts, rows, kettle bell swings, squats, Al Gore meets George Thoroughgood, LBC’s, leg raises and flutter kicks. Shooter will be sad to miss this beat down. Curls should continue to be a focus to be ready for the girls at the joint NS F3 and FIA workout on 2-25! We did one round of tricep curls at the end to keep arms from becoming too bicep heavy. Mobydick inspirationally prayed us out.