Blayne is a Bitch – from Saban
Blayne is a Bitch – from Saban

Blayne is a Bitch – from Saban

PAX:Saban, Abacus, Kuch, Ya Mom n Dem, Catfish, Pop Tart, Walleye, Snooze, Tool, Mama’s Pride Goodwill

I had looked on the Q sheet a few weeks back to sign up for the anniversary of my dad’s passing. Unfortunately there was another anniversary, High Rise had signed up to Q his two year anniversary. Guess it wasn’t meant to be…or was it. Early in the week, High Rise posted that he wasn’t able to take the Q so I jumped on it. Guess it was meant to be!

I arrived slightly before 5:30 and was surprised to see 9 PAX getting ready to go and one PAX already on burpee #73! Nice work Catfish. A quick disclaimer and we were off. Stayed under the pavilion to get warmed up with:

SSH X 20
Imperial Walkers x 15
Monkey Humpers x 15
Peter Parker x 15
Parker Peter x 15
Mountain Climbers x 15
10 burpees OYO

Moseyed over to the mountain

Let the PAX know that this was the anniversary of my dad’s passing. My dad was a fighter. He had cancer for over 15 years of his life. And each time a new bit of cancer popped up and things got tough he pushed through and overcame. He had it in his kidney, lost that kidney and recovered. He had it in his spine, lost feeling in his legs and was assigned to a wheelchair for the rest of his days but he continued to push. He had it in his knee so they cut off his leg but he pushed on. Even after the doctors issued him his last days. He pushed on for several more months! So what I have planned is going to be tough and will take most of us the whole time to finish but push through and fight until the end!

This workout was inspired by Tinkles. It was my last workout before I found out that I had Covid. I had gone to Pontiff to support my uptown brother and this is what we did on a football field and it was really tough. I thought doing the workout up the mountain would add another element.

I guess we can call these Mountain BLIMPS. Also, for some added fun I got to the mountain early to add the names of our late Wisner Mountain grafitti artists – Puke Dick, Dog Dix, Lucid, and of course Blayne is a Bitch. This created some great mumblechatter: How did Puke Dick get his name? Is Dog Dix French and pronounced Dog Dee? Was Blayne a girl or a boy? I guess we will never know…

The Thang

Run up 25 yards – 5 burpees – run back down

Run up 50 yards – 10 burpees – run back down

Run up 75 yards – 15 burpees – run back down

Run up 100 yards – 20 burpees – run back down

Rinse and repeat for Lunges, Imperial Walkers, Merkins, Plank Jacks, and Squats.

About half of us finished. From there we moseyed back to the pavilion.

COT, Count-off, Name-orama, announcements, and prayers. Prayed for everyone dealing with Covid and for everyone to be present to the loved ones that we still have in our lives. Thankful that my dads legacy can live on through F3!