It’s 6:10am and I am at Grandma’s House. My days are not confused. I know the AO is the Mother Ship just down the street. Plans were made the night before to meet with Wacker at 6:10 am to get a giant tire that he spoked about at last Saturday’s beat down. As soon as he mentioned that tire to me, I started thinking of all the fun things we could do with it. Text sent at 6:10am…….no response. Call made at 6:12am……….”Dude, my alarm did not go off.”
Warm Up:
T-claps to Shooter for starting the warm up for me with some side straddle hops. I took it over from there with the following…..
Toe Touches – 10 IC
Wind mills – 10 IC
Imperial Walkers – 10 IC
Seal Jacks – 10 IC
High Knees – 15 IC
Butt Kicks -15 IC
Forward and Reverse Arm Circles – 10 IC each way
10 Merkins OYO
10 Mountain Climbers IC
Mosey to the shaft.
As the packs gather, we see a white canyon pull up with a delivery. The delivery driver is our one and only, Bushwacker. Even though his alarm did not go off, this pac came through. He wrangled that giant tire by himself as I started the beatdown. Thanks Brother!!!!! Pacs help Wacker get the tire next to the shaft, so that he does not make the hyneria worse that he got when putting the tire into his truck by himself, and than we proceed with the beatdown.
Plank and Move
Each pac picks a partner, and lines up in a horizontal line facing the shaft. Pacs are about 30 yards away from the shaft. There are two sets of cones about 10 yards apart in between the pacs and the shaft. Pac 1 will hold a different plank while their partner moves to the shaft and back. Partner moving will complete an exercise each time they cross a cone that was placed before the beatdown on the way to the shaft and back.
Round 1
Pac 1 holds a regular plank. Partner bear crawls to shaft and back completing 5 merkins each time they cross a cone.
Round 2
Pac one holds an Al Gore. Partner lunge walks to shaft completing 5 Bobby Hurlies each time you cross a cone.
Round 3
Pac one holds a chill cut. I might have the name wrong, so just to be clear, it is a plank held at the elbow. Partner crawl bears to shaft and back, completing 5 groiners each time you cross a cone.
Round 4
Last one baby…….Pac one holds mission impossible. Partner runs to shaft and back, completing three burpees each time you cross a cone.
Hammer Time
Can’t let the name of this backblast disappoint. Thanks to Shooter for bringing out the Freedom Hammer and football for this part of the beatdown.
The giant tire, which we really need to name, is leaned against the shaft. The freedom hammer from our recent win at the Crazy Ivan is placed next to tire.
All pacs line up about 30 yards away from tire. Each pac attempts a throw with a football into the giant tire. After you throw, that pac runs to tire, and hits tire with Freedom Hammer ten times. Other pacs will perform the following Eight Count Body Builders depending on the results of the throw.
Into the Tire: 1 ECBB
Hit Tire or Shaft: 2 ECBBs
Ball does not hire tire or shaft but passes them: 3 ECBBs
Ball falls short of tire and shaft: 5 ECBBs
Rinse and repeat until all pacs have had a chance to throw the ball.
T-claps to Fire Pick for swinging a Freedom Hammer ten times that was probably close to half his body weight. While none of us will be trying out for a starting quarterback position for an NFL team, or even a team with the recently disbanded XFL, anytime soon, the best throw gets awarded to at that time FNG- Chad Penny, now Slots. Perfect spiral that just fell short of tire.
Before heading back to the flag, Pacs help pick up coupons from beatdown. Bird made the biggest contribution by getting himself into the tire while it was getting rolled back to the truck. He must have need inspired by Marshawn Lynch. Could this inspire a future exercise at a beat down at an AO near you????? We shall see, but it could definitely help with an F3 name for this tire, Beast Mode, Lynch, Marshawn?????
Mosey back to flag to wrap this up with some rapid fire Mary.
Crunchy Frogs – 10 IC
Little Manny Crunches – 10 IC
Freddy Mercuries – 10 IC
American Hammers – 10 IC
Flutter Kicks – 10 IC
Leg lifts – 10 IC
25 Big Boy Sit Ups – OYO
Circle of Trust – Yours truly prayed us out.