Coming in hot, QIC took measures to cover warmorama in case I was “Cowbell Hot.” Pulling up at 6:29, though, reliable Steve had already gotten things under way.
continuing where Steve left off, we ran through some T Stretches, Goofballs, Windmills, Fire Hydrants, etc.
Staying where we stood we began sthe story of Pete and Repeat.
5 rounds of…
x5 Merkins IC
x5 Jump Squats OYO
x5 Freak Nasties
x5 Derkins
x5 Flutter Kicks
mosied to the gazebo
mosied to the unit
some reps were increased, some exercises changed (burpees, box jumps and freddy mercurys). Now it didn’t take long at all for the crowd to start throwing out snickering comments, blasting interjections and general grumbles (and not just from our own Cobra Kai enthusiast Jose). YHC ignored the nay-sayers though, instead focusing on form and the intensity of the beatdown. After all, the point of this variety show was to get a focused work out in.
After crossing the bridge for one more round, the PAX split into 2 lines and did a Burpee Indian run back to the flags where we had an equally intense Mary.
After counting, names and announcements (pre Au Lait mini Murph at Hubie Galager park tomorrow , Krazy Ivan IV Friday at 8 at the gazebo, Run Cajun Run starting monday, and F3/FIA 30 min beatdown followed by drinks Thur Feb 25 6:00pm at The Gipper) the long lost Cobra prayed us out.
Thanks for turning on the repeat feature with me today gents, it was an honor to lead!