Finding Brees’ Replacement
FFiinnddiinngg BBrreeeess RReeppllaacceemmeenntt

Finding Brees’ Replacement

PAX:Akbar, Barely Legal, BBQ, Bean, Bird, Brown Eye, Chaser, Cowbell, Jose 10k, Pickaxe, Preppie (FNG), Russo, Shooter, Speedy Gonzalez, TankedUp, The Hammer, The Manny, Turbo Tax, Zoolander

Was he out there? I don’t think so!!!!! Feeling somber that the NFC and AFC Championships are this weekend and the Saints will again be watching from their couches, YHC felt it was time for a fun beatdown. So a competitive game of two hand touch football (technically it was just keep away with a football) was in the cards on the Lakefront Saturday.

YHC divided the PAX into 4 teams of 5 players each with 2 fields next to one another. Each team earned a point by stringing together 5 consecutive passes. If a turnover occured, the offending team had to do a penalty exercise. The penalties were merkins, burpees, Sister Mary Katherine’s, Jump Squats, Bobby Hurley’s. Set the timer for 5 minutes and let the games begin. When the buzzer sounded, the winning teams faced off and the losing teams squared off. Rinse and repeat a couple of times and it was time to head back to the flag.

Welcome to Preppie from Boulder, Colorado.

Have a good week men!