The W.A.S……….
The W.A.S……….

The W.A.S……….

PAX:Akbar, Grover, Hogsbreath, Pelican, Steve

With the return of Steve and Hogsbreath from quarantine the Marsh had a nice showing of 6 PAX. Our Editor and chief of emails sir Wacker, so eloquently mentioned the Fartsack in the weekly blast that he took it to heart and sacked yet again. Was it the cold 🥶? Perhaps it was the rain 🌧 that did it? One only needs to wonder whether the influence poured over to the reliable postmaster Cowbell? Nevertheless the YHC kept in consideration the conditions and built the beatdown under the protection of Mandeville’s overhang at the Marsh.


15IC Imperial walkers, SSH, Windmills, Toe Touches, Butt kicks, High knees and Torso twists.


Two workouts from the Exicon. First was the William Wallace with Coupon. P1 held variety of planks and core exercises while P2 took center court for reps of 10 and 20. Reps of 10 8 count body builders, squat thrusters, kettle swings and alternating one arm elf on the shelf. Core plank, chill cut, left and right arm high. Reps of 20 chest press, curls and overhead press. Core Nolan Ryan’s left and right and reverse plank. Upon completion stayed partnered for The W.A.S.H. PAX able to get through the S. Instead of cumulative count all reps on OYO while partner ran suicides free throw, half court, free throw and full court. Rep count was 50 Hand release (instead of wide arm Merkin), 100 American Hammers and 150 step ups (75 each leg). With time expired PAX circled up for namarama, announcements and COT as YHC closed us out.

Appreciate you men posting in unfavorable conditions and following my lead!

👍🏼👊🏼✌🏼 Till the next Gloom!