The Cards were Aces
The Cards were Aces

The Cards were Aces

PAX:Shooter, Waterpik, Barely Legal, Turbo, Speedy, Jose 10K, Freon, Pickles, Akbar, Hammer, Duracell, Steve, Tanked Up, Pea Shooter, Cowbell, Toto, Moby, Chewy, Zoolander, Butt Splice, Trojan, Sex Panther (FNG), Lollipop (FNG)

A PAX of 24, including visiting Duracell from BR and Trojan from Houston (awkward thumbs up!), helped celebrate YHC’s two year anniversary with some extended card play.

Warmups (All in Cadence)

Seal jacks

Air presses

Toe touches

Imperial Walkers

High Knees


Cherry Pickers

The Main Event

Pax moseyed over to Noah’s Ark for a celebratory Deck of Death/Decadence, breaking up into 4 groups who (mostly) managed to avoid well-placed landmines. Each group completed reps based on the card value (Aces up to 15) and suit, with two wild cards (a rock around Noah’s Ark) thrown in for good measure.



Plank Jacks

Shoulder Taps

Deep Squats

Jump Squats


Box Jumps

Crunchy Frogs

Big Boy Situps

Flutter Kicks

Gas Pumps

Donkey Kicks

Freak Nastys


Makhtar N’Diaye’s

After completing 420 total reps, the card were not done with the Pax. There was just enough time for one more party game: Card Sharks!

PickAx started us off by drawing an ACE to start, sending the Pax into a flurry of 15 8 count bodybuilders. A game of “higher or lower” followed, with a correct guess yielding the next card value multiplied by 2, an incorrect guess yielding the next card value multiplied by 3. Not one to selfishly keep all the cards, YHC offered a choice to multiple Pax on what torture was in store. After the final round of 24 T merkins, the cards were put away until the next time we were feeling lucky.

A mosey back to the flag, a COT, and Name-O-Rama wrapped us up. Welcome to the newest FNGs, Sex Panther, who correctly noted that 50% of the time, it works every time, and Lollipop, a big Kojack fan, but an even bigger fan of sucking on sweet, sticky, candy treats.

A prayer closed us out until next time.

A final word from YHC: I huge thank you to Toto for throwing an EH my way two years ago. That small gesture has made a positive impact in not only my life, but I hope the lives of all those I come in contact with. It’s not often you get the full satisfaction of knowing you absolutely made the right decision. Saying “Yes, I’m in next week” was one of those decisions for me.

Even after showing up late to my first post (sorry Splice!), and absolutely taking the “6” position and having to be picked up by Tanked Up, I worked up the courage to keep posting, in no small part because of Manny’s sage advice to “just keep coming, it may not every be easy, but it gets easier.”

Thank you to all of you that keep pushing me, putting up with me, and driving me to be a better human being, whether you know it or not. The fitness is important, but the fellowship with a faith community is probably the most valuable to me.