A Tale of Two Beatdowns
A Tale of Two Beatdowns

A Tale of Two Beatdowns

QIC:Cowbell / Steve
PAX:Akbar, Barely Legal, BBQ, Bean, Cowbell (QIC), Grover, Moby, Shooter, Steve (QIC)

My M recently brought home another cat. That’s right, we have two. And a dog. And a rabbit. (And two frogs, but those don’t count, as I expect one or both to die any moment now, just as all our fish have.) The new cat was supposed to be an outside cat, which was what supposedly made her addition to the family “okay.”

Anyway, this cat was excessively loud yesterday morning – mewling and meowing and just going on and on. I eventually realized she was in heat, but, seeing as I had to get somewhere quickly, I decided to leave her outside and deal with it later. Well, yeah… you guessed it – I returned home to find her in the empty lot next door with some street rat, mid-coitus. I chased off the offending male, but the question is – was I too late?

The scene prompted looks of rebuke from my Old Mandeville neighbors, an awkward conversation with my 2.0’s about the reproductive system, and worst of all, the possibility of a future animal kingdom that rivals that of Bushwacker’s. (Haven ‘t been to his farm? Try it around 5am and, if you make it past the goats, you’ll get attacked by a rooster with a large hole gnawed out of his backside.). Okay, the point of this overly long tale? Don’t put it off, gentlemen. Wake up when the alarm goes off. Write that email that you’ve been avoiding. And for heaven’s sake, as Bob Barker reminds us, get your pet spayed or neutered asap. Alright, apologies for the delay … the beatdown:

Warmorama: Toe touches, windmills, IW’s, SSH’s, all IC x10, plus 10 merkins OYO.

Thang: Mosey to the Taj Mahal for a quick partner routine. P1 runs the perimeter while P2 does an exercise. Flapjack. The exercises were:

  • People’s Chair w/ Air Presses
  • BTTW w/ Shoulder Taps
  • Donkey Kick-offs (on the wall)

After doing two rounds of the above, we moseyed to the back of the Justice Center for some quick 1 minute AMRAPs:

  • Freak Nasties
  • Jump Squats
  • T-Merkins
  • Bulgarian Split Squats (30 secs ea. leg)

Needing to leave a bit early, YHC arranged for Cowbell to take over with about 10-15 mins left. After hearing him explain the “Quick Killer,” the pax had to be happy he wasn’t provided any more time than that. (I myself was glad to quietly slink off right before the 27 burpees…)

The Quick Killer

  • Merkins x28
  • Squats x28
  • Sister Mary Katherine’s x28
  • Burpees x28
  • Sit-ups x28

The QK starts at 28, then descends with each round by 7. (Or something like that.) I know Cowbell had intended for 4 rounds, but I could hear the scoffs trailing off in the distance as I quickly exited.

Thanks men, for both choosing to get out the bed today and for allowing me (and Cowbell) the opportunity to lead.