Now Arriving, Delta Flight 10920
Now Arriving, Delta Flight 10920

Now Arriving, Delta Flight 10920

PAX:BBQ, Jose 10K, Shooter, Steve, Tanked Up

With Hurricane Delta bearing down on the Eastern Louisiana coast, it was the intermittent heavy rains that greeted YHC as his 4AM wake-up call. Fortunately, the AO has a built-in audible area for just such occasions. However, don’t tell that to the site Q Jose 10K who, upon our arrival, Shooter and I found doing his customary laps both in and out of the down pour.


x10 IC: Windmills, Torso Twists, Toe Touches, T Stretches


Partner up , P1 sprinting 40 yards & back while P2 does core work for rounds:

R1 – 300 100s

R2 – 400 R E2Ks

R3 – 400 L E2Ks

Early dismissal for Mr. Anderson and Mr. Breve` with a brief restorative yoga interlude.

R4 – 150 Flutter Kicks


4 minutes of alternating planks, to side planks, to chill cut, etc.


Q prayed us out, and much banter (both political and otherwise) carried on amongst the remaining Spartans for an extra inning.

Thanks for following my lead at this year’s 3rd… 4th… or was it 5th (it seems I’ve lost track) F3 Northshore Hurricane Party 2020.