This September is the 75th anniversary of the end of WWII. We set out to accomplish the original GI test in honor of our forefathers who fought for our freedom. This is the original test from Fort Bragg in 1946. What stood out most to me is the insane attention to detail and form – the focus on quality instead of quantity.
Take 5 minutes to read the entire article which goes into more detail on form and scoring, also gives a history of the test and how it has changed in since the new one was introduced in the 80’s.
Why another test? Tests motivate us to improve our physical condition. We may not realize when we are in poor condition. When tests reveal our deficiencies, we are much more receptive to intensive physical training in order to remedy our shortcomings. And, because its fun.
Warm Up: SSH, Toe Touches, Torso Twist x 10-12
Thang Pullups, Squat Jumps, Merkins, Situps, Shuttle Run
TEST 1: PULL UPS. Start in dead hang position, chin above bar, all the way down until elbows are straight. Kicking, raising the legs, or jerking motions are not permissible and will only count for 1/2 rep. AMRAP
SCORING: 13-20 Excellent; 10-12 Good; 7-9 Fair; 1-6 Poor

TEST 2: SQUAT JUMPS. Coming soon to a beatdown near you, the best I can describe this is a prisoner squat jump Sister Mary Catherine. It was brutal. Spring upward until both knees are straight and both feet clear the ground. While off the ground, reverse the position of the feet bringing the right foot in front. Spring up again and continue AMRAP. The performer is credited with 1 squat jump each time he springs up from the squat to the erect position and returns. The movement is not scored if he fails to descend to a complete squat. If the performer falls but immediately recovers and continues, he shall not be penalized.
SCORING: 39-54 Excellent; 31-38 Good; 26-30 Fair; 13-25 Poor

TEST 3: MERKINS. Arms straight starting position, hands facing forward directly under shoulders, chest touches the ground and back up to straight arm position = 1 rep. Stomach, thighs, or legs must not touch the floor and whole body must remain straight. Performer is credited for 1 push-up each time arms are completely straightened. When performer can no longer hold correct form, the test is terminated.
SCORING: 51-75 Excellent; 39-50 Good; 31-38 Fair; 16-30 Poor

TEST 4: SIT-UP. Can anyone say coccyx? I’m getting really tired of the brush strokes. Performer lies on back with knees straight, fingers laced behind head, elbows on the ground. With feet held, raise upper body and rotate right elbow to left knee – keeping knee’s as straight as possible. 2 minutes AMRAP
SCORING: 62-79 Excellent; 52-61 Good; 42-51 Fair; 22-41 Poor

TEST 5: 300 YD SHUTTLE RUN: On the basketball court, we ran 12 lengths of 25 yards each for a total of 300. The numbers were a little off since a basketball court is 28 yards in length, and the shuttle run should have been 250 yards to allow for extra turn time vs the 5 * 60 yard straight run.
SCORING (seconds): 44-47 Excellent; 47-50 Good; 50.5-52.5 Fair; 53-56.5 Poor
The results!
Name | Pull Ups | Squat Jumps | Pushups | Situps | 300 Yd. Run |
Akbar | 5 | 19 | 26 | 40 | 54.5 |
Grover | 3.5 | 14 | 27 | 4 | 54.5 |
Hammer | 6 | 41 | 35 | 62 | 53.5 |
Steve | 15 | 50 | 39 | 45 | 53.5 |
Shooter | 5 | 36 | 19 | 34 | 50 |
Pixie Stick | 4.5 | 30 | 66 | 60 | 53 |
Waterpik | 9.5 | 35 | 42 | 60 | 57.5 |
Cowbell | 15 | 60 | 35 | 50 | 51 |
Mary 100 SSH. Crunchy Frogs, Gas Pumps, Rosalita, Staggered Merkins, American Hammers, Mountain Climbers, Dying Cockroach x20
COT Shooter prayed us out, thoughts and prayers for those to the east and west of us dealing with the after affects of the hurricanes and for my job interview (which went great!)
If you see or know a WW2 Vet, tell them thank you. And ask them to tell you a story or two.
Thanks for letting me lead,
SYITG – Akbar