You Gotta Buy-In!
You Gotta Buy-In!

You Gotta Buy-In!

PAX:Moby, Waterpik, Zoolander, Jose 10K

If you are crazy enough to be one of the men who voluntarily forego their normal names in exchange for a nickname that could be mistaken for a middle schoolers insult; all for the “privilege” of leaving your DNA all over Mandeville and Covington, then you are quite familiar with the concept of “buying-in”.

The very fact that you would get out of your fartsacks and drive to a workout before the Sun even decides to get its butt in gear proves that you are fully bought in to the cult brotherhood of F3.

Today’s beatdown took that concept and applied it to an idea that turned into a lot of fun… YHC was a little beat up so I took more of a Iron Pax facilitator role and had to modify some of the exercises during the beatdown. Seems fair to me.

The Warmup

  • SSH IC to 25
  • Shoulder Series
  • 10 Hand Release Merkins OYO
  • In Honor of Zoolander, we did the “We’re Not Worthy” which is basically a good morning with your hands raised. All of the PAX faced Zoo to pay homage to what he’s accomplishing on the ISI pull-up challenge.

The Thang

We all grabbed an extra heavy cinder block from the Grundymobile and proceeded to line up in the middle lane of the top of parking garage.

This was the main event.

The concept is simple. The objective for each individual was to complete 100 reps of a certain exercise per round. Once someone finished their 100 reps, they would end that round and the rest of the PAX would stop where they are.

The catch is that in order to begin your reps for the round, you have to “Buy-In” by completing some other exercise. The second catch was that every two minutes YHC would call out “Buy-In” and the entire pax would have to complete those exercises again before they could continue with their reps.

So you wold have to “buy-in” and use whatever remaining time you had left in your 2 minutes to get as many reps as possible before the next buy in. If you don’t give effort in the buy in phase, then you will be left with no time to complete any reps and it can become a brutal cycle!

This was a lot of fun (At least for me who didn’t really perform the running portions of any of the Buy-Ins)

Round 1:
Objective: Complete 100 reps of bent-over rows with the Cinder Block
Buy In: 5 burpees and carry cinder block across the parking garage to the other side.

Round 2:
Objective: Complete 100 squats with the Cinder Block
Buy In: 15 Merkins and run to the other end of the parking garage and back.

Quick break and did a Mary of spelling out the alphabet with your legs
(Jose ‘NOW I know my ABC’s. I’m a math guy so it’s good to finally learn that.’)

Round 3:
Objective: Complete 100 kettle bell swings
Buy In: ~20 yard bear crawl and back

Last round: 1 minute round before buy in
Objective: 200 reps of cinderblock bench press
Buy-In: 10 Russian Twists (1 per side)

We put away the blocks and everything is good with the world again. We circled up, counted off, and Waterpik prayed us out.

It’s an honor gentleman!