The Mosquito Mob
TThhee MMoossqquuiittoo MMoobb

The Mosquito Mob

PAX:TwinkleToes, SnackPack, NatureBoy


Jog around the stadium

The Thang (Arms – Abs – Legs)

Merkins, Freddy Mercuries, Al Gores

Rest (The Mosquito Mob then joined us. They were very attracted to the greatness that leaked from our pores. THEY WANTED SOME FOR THEMSELVES!)

Irkins, Crunchy Frogs, Lunges,


Freak Nasties, Bear Crawl, Butt Kickers



The presence of the Mosquito Mob was now overwhelming. SnackPack suggested we run to where some stairs were located. Run ning seemed to be one of few things that would deter any blood sucking members of the Mob.

Box jump variations proceeded at the stairs.Every Step 5x (up and down), Every other step 5x, Skips up the steps 5x. Then jogged back.

Count-o-rama and Name-o-rama then proceeded followed by the socially distanced Circle of Trust. The Mosquito Mob didn’t show up as much then. We must have killed enough of their comrades that I think the rest got the picture that we weren’t messing around.