Dirty McH8
Dirty McH8

Dirty McH8

QIC:Da Parish
PAX:Da Parish, Kuch, Jingle Vader, Surge, High Rise, Snooze, Bongo


  • SSH
  • IW
  • HB
  • MC
  • JL

The Thang

Mosey to the foot of Canal and face the H8. We will perform 12 reps of 3 exercises (chest, legs, core) and then run a lap of the H8 sans burpees (up the levee, bear crawl the neutral ground, down the levee, up the levee, bear crawl the neutral ground, down the levee).

Since I waited too long to write my back blast, I forget the exercises but there were Merkins, Stagger merkins, diamond merkins, squats, lunges, bobby hurleys, LBCs, leg lifts, and some more. I hope I got the PAX correct.

Thank you for the opportunity to lead,

Da Parish