2 Mile Time Trial #1 @The Stomp
2 Mile Time Trial #1 @The Stomp

2 Mile Time Trial #1 @The Stomp

PAX:Saban, SOGO, Boo Boo, Belloq, Snooze, Sheetrock, Bongo, Shorty, Mahatma, Colonel Mustard, Da Parish, High Rise, Tool

Another 610 Stomp in the books.  According to some quick calculations this makes the 251st consecutive-ish Tuesday that some form of F3 PAX has posted for a running workout in that spot.  T-claps to all for keeping The Stomp going strong!

Thirteen men showed up, 10 looking to run and 3 looking to branch off for a low impact beatdown.  Good to see a few faces not normally seen at The Stomp….good to see Da Parish sporting and pushing the spiffy new F3 Patch hat…good to see Belloq getting in his usual pre-thing run….good to see Shorty in the gloom for his monthly F3 appearance.  This week we opted to mix it up the running a bit by centering the workout around a timed 2 mile run/race in lieu of the NOTC 2 Mile Summer Series races that have been a no go so far this year.  Lots of us enjoy those, and enjoy striving for faster times, racing against ourselves, and perhaps racing against each other.  

Started off with a warmup mosey to the Festival Grounds track near The Foundry.  Next a quick COP with IP, WM, and PP to make sure everyone was good and loose.  Then on to the track for 2+ loops, giving it AYG, stopping when at 2 miles.  T-claps to Mahatma for stomping on the pedal…that dude is a beast! 

The PAX finished with the following times:
Bongo 15:52, Mahatma 14:36, Colonel Mustard 15:02, Belloq 16:15, Shorty 15:34, High Rise 17:12, Tool 16:58, Da Parish 18:28, Snooze 18:00, Sheetrock ??

From here we moseyed the scenic route around the Big Lake to the front of NOMA when we reconvened for an Indian Run back to base, and made sure the entire PAX stayed together…no man left behind.  High Rise capped things off by demonstrating proper form for a minute of hip flexor stretching.  
Although we didn’t get in quite the distance of typical Stomp, it seemed to be a good mix of easy, conversational running along with a chance to go full throttle and focus on speed.  We’ll do it again, once in July and August.    

T-claps to the banged up PAX for still posting and getting in a beatdown.  

T-claps to Mahatma and Colonel Mustard for representing the Marine Corps well with the top two times.  

T-claps to Snooze who has become a regular the past few weeks.  

T-claps to all ten PAX who seemed to all push hard on the two mile run.

COT to cap things off.  
